Paper Moon / Coordonné presents a new wallpaper collection in collaboration with Ines de la Fressange. The French ‘savoir-faire’ and a rustic charm combine in the ultimate “Parisian chic” style.
A French icon and famous top model, Ines radiates the epitome of elegance, femininity and delicacy. The three-coloured strokes, the mustard, olive and crimson shades are highly reminiscent of the much sought-after effortless chic. Honest and uncomplicated, a bohemian bliss emanating from the French capital.
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Thank you for your recent comment! I am delighted to hear that you visit our site regularly. I hear what you are saying, but we have been spending so much time promoting our new site via the social media sites that we have overlooked our blog! We will rectify this immediately and ensure that we make at least one posting a week from now! Thank you for your support. Mike
Hi Mike, thanks for your post. You know, I’m a style follower of Ines de La Fressange. She is almost 60, and I’m 50. I’m not sure if I will be as cool as she is at her 60s.
Love your website and the article on Ines! Might you be interested in a collaboration on the Ines de la Fressange wallpaper collection? Many thanks! Mike